Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Fundraising Presentation
Fundraising Presentation, Gyumri April 15 –April 16, 2013 I. The Basics of Fundraising a. What is fundraising? i. Raising money for a cause or project ii. Includes building a prospect pool, asking for money or in-kind donations, meeting donor expectations, clearly defining needs and resources, thanking the donors (stewardship), events, public relations, and monitoring and evaluation iii. Most important aspect: relationships, which can take time to develop b. Why is funding diversity important? iv. Chair example: If a chair only has one leg, it is unstable and will fall over.The more legs a chair has, the more stable it becomes. Same for an organization, if an organization has a sole funder, their success is determinant upon the stability of that relationship and continued funding. The more funders an organization has, the more stable they are. If one funder pulls their support, the organization does not collapse. c. Think about your organization for which you are fundraising ( hand out index cards for everyone to write their answers) v. What is their mission? vi. What is their vision? vii. Why do they exist? viii. What would happen if this organization didn’t exist? x. Why are you here? x. Can everyone from your organization, your community, your beneficiaries, your donors, etc clearly define the mission of the organization and is it basically the same? xi. Is the financial support you have received in the past and are looking to secure in the future in line with your mission? xii. Look at yourselves as a public benefit organization d. Presentation of the Organization xiii. Are you all working towards the same mission? xiv. â€Å"Elevator Pitch†1. Clear and concise description of your organization, its work, and its value 2.Thirty seconds to two minutes (one of the most important interactions with your donor) 3. All staff, volunteers, and those associated with your organization should have a pitch 4. Give Peace Corps example 5. Homework for second day xv. Needs of the NGO 6. Needs include money, resources, materials, trainings, etc. 7. Can you tell me today what your specific needs are and how much those needs would cost? (Financial/ Resources Needs Assessment) xvi. Public Relations 8. Website, Newsletters, Email Updates, Facebook page 9.All of your social media and newsletters should be consistent with each other, updated at the same time with comparable information 10. We’ll go into more details about Public relations shortly e. Donor Expectations xvii. If you were to give money to an organization, what would you want in return? 11. Elevator Pitch 12. Clearly defined mission and vision 13. Reasons why they should invest in your NGO/project 14. Projects, ideas, and plans for which you need financial support 15. Overview of successful projects you have done in the past 16.Reports 17. Good reputation in the community and with beneficiaries 18. Communication, Honesty, Transparency 19. Commitment and cohesiveness of the staff 20. What exactly you are going to do with their money f. Donor Relations and Stewardship xviii. Updates to donor xix. How are you thanking them? xx. How are you recognizing their donation? xxi. Will they give again? xxii. Will go into more details about this shortly II. Identifying and Working with Donors g. Donor Prospect Pool xxiii. Who might want to give to this organization? brainstorm a list) 21. Parishioners of the church 22. World Vision, Caritas, other NGO’s in the community with resources to give 23. Family and friends 24. Local community members (why is what you’re doing important to them? , Who will feel moved by the work you are doing? ) 25. Diaspora 26. Corporations – VivaCell, Orange Foundation, Coca Cola 27. Realities of fundraising in Armenia a. Grants- majority are international b. Corporate Giving/ Corporate Social Responsibility- new concept here in Armenia c.Government funding- In 2011, the state provided NGO’s with $8 mil lion, mostly to sports federations and state-funded or state-operated organizations on a noncompetitive basis d. Individual donations e. Community Support f. Diaspora g. Funding Diversity h. Projects being donor driven not mission driven i. Overhead costs xxiv. Who do you know? xxv. Relationships are the key to building your prospect pool xxvi. Invite potential prospects to visit your organization, build the relationship before you ask them for something h. What makes a person or organization donate? xvii. If you meet with an organization, how do you expect them to present themselves to you? 28. Clear, concise, honest overview 29. Well thought out, able to easily identify the mission, vision, and beneficiaries to be served 30. Overview of successful projects, current projects, and future plans 31. Overview of specific needs of the NGO xxviii. Do you believe in the mission and vision? 32. A donor has to believe in the mission or vision, or you have to help them believe, give them rea sons to care. xxix. How do they have to use your money and what do you want in return from them? 33.Communication, honesty, transparent used exactly as they say it will be used for effective projects xxx. What will make you give again? 34. communication, success, beneficiary satisfaction, reporting, relationship with the organization, recognition of the organization, name in the community/associated with the project xxxi. What kind of relationship do you expect from the NGO? 35. strong leadership, honesty, communication, want to feel proud of the work they are doing and the reputation they have in the community, understanding of strategic goals, I want to see the organization has taken the time to define themselves III.Fundraising Plan i. Should be written on an annual basis j. Who is going to write the plan? xxxii. Should have a lead who collaborates with your Director, key stakeholders, and the board k. Start with your fundraising goal (how much money do you need? ) xxxiii. This f undraising goal amount should be based on the needs of the organization xxxiv. How much money needs to be raised/ resources secured in order to carry out the activities which your organization wants to carry out over the next year? l. The mission/ message (Why do you need the money? xxxv. What do you plan to do with the money you raise? xxxvi. Line by line- what are you using your budget for? m. The Tactics (How are you going to raise this money? ) xxxvii. Figure out how you are going to raise different amounts of money over the course of the next year and where that money is going to go. xxxviii. Identify different tactics 36. Individual Giving 37. Major Donor Groups- talking with larger corporations 38. Events 39. Online giving 40. Participatory Fundraising 41. Grants 42. Corporate Giving Programs n. The Timeline xxix. Create the timeline to include dates for all events and fundraising goals throughout the year IV. Donor Relations and Stewardship (managing the gift, thanking and k eeping the donor engaged) o. The comprehensive effort of any nonprofit that seeks philanthropic support to ensure that donors experience high-quality interactions with the organization that foster long-term engagement and investment. This effort is commonly thought to have four elements. xl. Gift acceptance and management 43. Your organizations policies and procedures for gifts. 44.Discussion about how the gift is going to be used, making sure the donors requests and the organizations needs are in line. 45. Procedures to track how the gift is being used. 46. Structures for Giving Opportunities (Example: donor recognition pieces/plaques, named spaces, or giving societies) xli. Acknowledgement 47. Thanking the donor j. Personalized letters, E-mails, phone calls, visits- should happen within the first week in which the gift is received xlii. Donor Recognition 48. How do your donors wanted to be recognized for their giving? 49.Mention in the newsletter, announcement at events, naming a space, donor plaques, press release, 50. This is the public forum for thanking a donor for their gift but need to ask for donor permission to do so. 51. For Participatory Fundraising- announcing and rewarding the top fundraisers publicly 52. Honor Rolls- announcement of donors to the organization printed publicly and thanking the donors through this forum. 53. Donor Walls/Donor Plaques- having a space in the center where donor names are listed for the public and your beneficiaries to see 54.Donor Recognition Events, awards, mementos, and volunteer opportunities-these not only are fun for the donors, but also help to strengthen your relationship with your donors and also show them that they are important to you. Can be big events with all of your donors or intimate lunches with the Director and/or some of your beneficiaries. xliii. Reporting (also referred to as stewardship) 55. Telling the donor the impact they are making on the mission of your organization or the specific projects they have given to. Why their giving has made a difference. 56.Two different ways of reporting: qualitative (storytelling confirming the usage of funds) and quantitative (shows the carrying out of spending funds properly) V. Public Relations (or PR) p. Everything your organization does to get public/press coverage of what your work q. Why is it important? xliv. Gets the word out and communicates your message xlv. Builds your audience xlvi. Builds your credibility and reputation within your community, with your beneficiaries, and your donors, thus helping to foster stronger relationships xlvii.Shows the results and successes of your work xlviii. Good time to use your elevator pitch r. Examples of PR xlix. Printed materials 57. Newsletters 58. Press Releases (work with your local media) 59. Brochures 60. Announcements about projects including donor/supporters names 61. Can be a two way street with your supporters (donors and volunteers) l. Television 62. Use for advertising about prog rams/projects or upcoming events 63. Can also be used for purposes of interviewing about your organization li. Online 64. Website 65. Facebook 66.Email blasts 67. Online newsletters/news stories lii. Special Events 68. Lectures or talks with experts, beneficiaries or having one of your donors to come in and speak 69. Volunteer Day s. Why is PR important for fundraising? liii. Can increase the money and resources coming in liv. New prospects find you 70. People learn about your work 71. If really good coverage- prospects come to you to learn more, volunteer, and possibly even invest in your work lv. Raising General Awareness 72. Remember to refer to yourself as a public benefit organization 73.Raising awareness in your immediate community about the work which is being done around them and the need to help accomplish those goals 74. Helps people remember your name and your mission lvi. â€Å"Social Proof†75. Again building on your credibility- coverage shows that what you are doing is important and a leader in your community 76. Can also bring your public relations materials during donor meetings to further engage donors. VI. Let’s create a campaign! t. Make a plan lvii. What are we raising money for? lviii. Why are we raising money for this? lix. How much money do we need? lx.When do we need the money? 77. How are we going to raise the money? lxi. Who is going to be on the committee? lxii. What kind of advertising are we going to do for the campaign? lxiii. What kind of materials/resources do we need for the campaign? lxiv. How are we going to engage and thank our donors? u. What are we raising money for? lxv. Pick one project/event you would like to do with your organization 78. Birthday parties for kids with disabilities 79. Gifts/events for the chronically ill v. How much money do we need? lxvi. Create an overall budget which not only includes money but also resources lxvii.Can also create a useful tool to provide for your donors 80. Show them what their money will do: If you donate XX, we can include 5 more adults in our trainings for example. w. When do we need the money? 81. Create a timeline of not only the deadline, but all things which need to be done between now and the deadline as well as who is going to do those things x. How are we going to raise the money? lxviii. Participatory Fundraising (Get the crowd involved in your campaign, have to be very careful with planning to make sure the investment you make in these events is worth the return) 82.Athons- Walk-a-thons, Dance-a-thons, Read-a-thons k. a type of community or school fundraiser in which participants raise money by collecting donations or pledges for walking a predetermined distance or course, dancing for a predetermined amount of time, or read a certain amount of books within a predetermined time frame. 83. Spare Change boxes in the church 84. Raffles l. Sell raffle tickets for a particular item or a 50/50 raffle 85. Auctions m. People bid on certain i tems which have been donated for the cause. 86.Game competitions or carnival (Lemon ball) Each guest pays 1,000 dram for a lemon and closest lemon the bottle wins it. 87. Futbol tournament n. Have each team pay a certain amount to be a part of the tournament which will be donated to the organization. lxix. Individual Donors 88. Create a list of people/companies/organizations which may be interested in giving to this campaign lxx. Online Giving 89. Firstgiving. com y. Who is going to be involved in the committee? lxxi. Who needs to be included in all of the decisions made? Who is going to be in charge of which part of the campaign? . What kind of advertising are we going to do for the campaign? lxxii. Objective and Goals of the campaign lxxiii. Choose a campaign title 90. Race for the Cure (Run Breast Cancer out of Town) 91. Relay for Life (American Cancer Society) lxxiv. Create an â€Å"About the campaign†lxxv. How are we engaging the press? lxxvi. How are we updating our ow n online/print presence? {. What materials/ resources are we going to need? lxxvii. For example: how many people/volunteers are needed and for what amount of time lxxviii. Do you need prizes/awards xxix. Do you need space to put on the event lxxx. Need to think about things that may happen (for example, if it rains during the futbol tournament, what other arrangements need to be made? ) |. How are we going to engage and thank our donors? lxxxi. If participatory fundraising: need prizes/ awards for top fundraisers, guidelines, and thank yous lxxxii. Thank you letters, personalized, emails, phone calls, meetings lxxxiii. Online giving- should have thank you letters sent and update after the project is successful Fundraising P
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